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Cool Facts About Snakes Lizards Dragons
°ü¸®ÀÚ 2024-05-03 ¿ÀÈÄ 4:30:07 59565


Cool Facts About Snakes, Lizards & Dragons  




There are over 8,000 species of snakes and lizards. Find out some of the secrets behind their scaly skin.​ 

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Get ready for..

Things You Wanna Know!

Do you know which two reptiles come from the squamata family?

I know you're like, what's that?

It's the largest group of reptiles, a class of animals that are known for their scaly skin.

Think you know which two?

Let me give you a few hints.

They can slither away from trouble, stay hidden using camouflage, warm up by sunbathing, and they're even growing in popularity as pets.

They're snakes and lizards.

They may be different, but they also have a lot in common.

We all know that snakes don't have arms or legs, but did you know that some lizards are legless and slither around just like snakes.

Pretty cool, right?

Some of these wild creatures have the ability to hide in plain sight.

In fact, Chameleons can blend into most of their backgrounds.

It's just a myth that they can mimic any surrounding, but with the help of special pigments in their skin, these color-converting lizards can make themselves harder to spot.

Snakes have camouflaging skill too.

And they use it to hide from potential predators.

But when the sun's out they don't hideaway for too long.

Because they're drawn to it, and not just to warm up.

Many lizards have a hole between their eyes, kind of like a third eye, that allows sunlight to reach their brains, this helps them keep track of the change of seasons.

Pretty incredible, right?

Snakes and lizards are squiggly, sometime slimy and even sly.

But it's their unique skills that make them really fantastic!​ 


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1. What are the two reptiles that come from the Squamata family, known for their scaly skin?

2. How do snakes and some legless lizards share similarities in their movement?

3. How do chameleons and snakes use their camouflage skills for survival in their environments? 

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