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A perfect day
°ü¸®ÀÚ 2023-12-29 ¿ÀÈÄ 12:50:44 28745


A perfect day  



The warmth of the sun... felt good on cat's back.

Cat liked to be in the flower bed where the daffodils grew.

It was a perfect day for cat.

The cool of the water was what Dog liked best.

When it was hot, Dog sat in the wading pool that his friend Bert filled for him.

It was a perfect day for dog.


Bert topped off the bird feeder with it.

It was a perfect day for Chickadee.

Squirrel went up the pole.

Squirrel went down the pole.

Squirrel could not get to the seed.

Bert dropped a corncob onto the grass. 

It was a perfect day for Squirrel. 

It was a perfect day for Squirrel. ​

It was a perfect day for Chickadee. 

It was a perfect day for Dog. 

It was a perfect day for Cat.

The warmth of the sun. 

The cool of the water.

A belly full of corn and seed. 

A flower bed for a nap.

It was a perfect day for Bear.


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1. How did the warmth of the sun make the cat feel?

2. What did the dog enjoy doing when it was hot outside?

3. How did the squirrel try to reach the bird seed?​ 



÷ºÎÆÄÀÏ Uploaded File : 2023122912526_6KIN0.jpg  
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